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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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- Cross-Sectional Study on Opiate Addiction Treatment in General Medicine

Head : Lapeyre-Mestre Maryse

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


- Cross-Sectional Study on Opiate Addiction Treatment in General Medicine

Head : Lapeyre-Mestre Maryse

Main objective

To assess whether conducting urine-based toxicity screening tests in the general practitioner's surgery improves treatment for drug-substituted patients.

Inclusion criteria

General practitioners exclusively practising in ambulatory care in the Midi-Pyrénées region.

PSOLEMEE - Localized psoriasis: a pharmaco-economic evaluation

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


PSOLEMEE - Localized psoriasis: a pharmaco-economic evaluation

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the cost of psoriasis care for patients corresponding to the target population of BETESIL®, i.e. those suffering from chronic plaque psoriasis, localized in areas difficult to treat (knees, elbows, and anterior surface of the tibia, not exceeding 5% of body surface area).

Inclusion criteria

Patient aged 18 years or above; Patient with chronic plaque psoriasis; Patient with plaques located in places difficult to treat (knees, elbows, and anterior tibia, not exceeding 5% of the body surface area); Patient able to understand or complete the study questionnaires; patient who can be followed for 6 months; patient agreeing to participate in the study.

CORONS - Risk Observatory for Cohort of Persons Registered with the Independent National Social Security Fund for Mines in Northern France

Head : Flahault Antoine, UMR S 707

Version 1


Last update : 03/01/2019


CORONS - Risk Observatory for Cohort of Persons Registered with the Independent National Social Security Fund for Mines in Northern France

Head : Flahault Antoine, UMR S 707

Main objective

General objective: to observe the risks for a cohort of persons registered with the Independent National Social Security Fund for Mines in Northern France.

Inclusion criteria

All individuals registered with the Independent National Social Security Fund for Mines that have agreed to the usage of their medical data.

EMBLEM - European Mania in Bipolar Longitudinal Evaluation of Medication

Head : Bellivier Franck, U1144 Variabilité de réponse aux psychotropesÉquipe/activité : Biomarqueurs de la rechute et de la réponse aux traitements dans les addictions et les troubles de l'humeur

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


EMBLEM - European Mania in Bipolar Longitudinal Evaluation of Medication

Head : Bellivier Franck, U1144 Variabilité de réponse aux psychotropesÉquipe/activité : Biomarqueurs de la rechute et de la réponse aux traitements dans les addictions et les troubles de l'humeur

Main objective

To assess and monitor subjects presenting with a manic or mixed episode of bipolar disorder.

Inclusion criteria

- male and female
- legal age
- presenting with bipolar disorder

C.A.R.O.L.E: Active network coordination of longitudinal epilepsy observatory - Longitudinal Study of Patients with Epilepsy: Medical and Social Outcome Study

Head : Jallon Pierre, Unité d'épileptologie et d'EEG

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


C.A.R.O.L.E: Active network coordination of longitudinal epilepsy observatory - Longitudinal Study of Patients with Epilepsy: Medical and Social Outcome Study

Head : Jallon Pierre, Unité d'épileptologie et d'EEG

Main objective

To assess the medical and social outcome of subjects with spontaneous epileptic seizures and to determine drug resistance predictors.

Inclusion criteria

- men and women
- having experienced first epileptic seizure between 01/05/1995 and 30/06/1996

I-SYPRES - A 6 month follow-up o study of hospitalised patients with cardiac failure with Preserved systolic function (PSF-HF) in cardiology, internal medecine et geriatry

Head : Herrmann Marie-Annick, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2019


I-SYPRES - A 6 month follow-up o study of hospitalised patients with cardiac failure with Preserved systolic function (PSF-HF) in cardiology, internal medecine et geriatry

Head : Herrmann Marie-Annick, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Schmidely Nathalie, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Main objective

Determine the demographic characteristics and of the disease of patients hospitalized in the cardiology department for cardiac failure with intact systolic function

Inclusion criteria

Register Portion: M/F >=18 years, hospitalized for confirmed acute cardiac failure on the clinical symptoms and signs,
Study Portion: Patient in the register, diagnosed for HF-ISF with an EF >45% evaluated within 8 days after the date of hospitalization

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